"Handmaids" Protest Mike Pence In Colorado

Photo: AP Photo/Eric Gay.
First came the pussy hat. Then, “nevertheless she persisted” became a rallying cry and popular tattoo. Lipstick benefiting Planned Parenthood soon followed. But one of the most enduring, and most literary, trends in the fight to protect women's reproductive rights comes from The Handmaid’s Tale.
In the novel and Hulu's TV adaptation, women forced to bear children for others, called handmaids, wear a similar ensemble. The long red cloaks mask their bodies, and their large bonnets cover their faces. Now, women are bringing these outfits in front of lawmakers to remind them how eerily close our country's laws seem to the dystopian world of The Handmaid's Tale. From Jefferson City, Missouri to outside the US Capitol, women are donning red cloaks and white bonnets to stand up for women’s reproductive health.
We rounded up some of the best moments when handmaids took action in real life. Offred would be proud.
This story was originally published on June 27, 2017.

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