Relive Your University Days With These Novels Set On Campus

A college campus is many things: Stimulating, picturesque, teeming with intelligent life. One thing it’s not? The real world. In this way, the college campus is the perfect place to set a novel.
Within the confines of the ivory tower, characters get into situations that might not exist in the outside world. Fast friend groups form during the pressure cooker of orientation, and then alter upon reaching adulthood. Romance blossoms on strolls through quads. Conversations about ideas learned in classrooms have reverberations in changing the campus dialogue. Nutty professors provide ample comic relief.
If you're heading off for another semester of college, these books will make you excited for the academic and social adventures you're sure to encounter in the campus bubble. And if you're like me, years out of college but still nostalgic, relive the years in which your biggest priorities were discovery, exploration, growth — and, of course, having fun.
Each of these campus novels will have you itching to reread your old notebooks.
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