So, Who's Going To Win The 2017 Emmys Acting Awards?

Photo: Courtesy of Hulu.
Award show nominations are fun and all, but the real joy of entertainment competitions is seeing who actually comes out victorious. That's why we've already started trying to figure out who will win the 2017 Emmys. Although the award show's nominations were only announced Thursday, it's possible to start reading the tea leaves and predict who will head home with a statue on 17th September.
This year's Emmys are packed with tons of talent as Westworld leads the scripted TV categories, with personal favourites like The Handmaid's Tale, Big Little Lies, Atlanta, and This Is Us also cleaning up well. Yes, the Television Academy voters are really supposed to figure out who reigns supreme among this stacked list of series. That is what makes predicting the winners all the more difficult.
To start off on this tough journey as Emmy oracles, we've decided how the Outstanding Actor and Outstanding Actress races will likely end. Will it be Riz Ahmed or Ewan McGregor? Elisabeth Moss or Viola Davis? There's only one way to find out: scroll through the gallery to find out which stars you'll probably see thank the (TV) Academy come September.
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