Photographs: Juno Calypso's A Girl's Guide To Egg Freezing

Photo: Juno Calypso/We Folk/
We hear more and more about egg freezing these days. Women are delaying having families in favour of careers and lifestyle and, if we're to believe everything, we now have a generation of childless women with dwindling fertilities rushing off to clinics to protect their future chances of having kids.
But egg freezing comes with an emotional and physical price, not to mention it being crushingly expensive. British photographer Juno Calypso and We Folk were commissioned by TOPIC to look at the realities of egg freezing, albeit within Juno's signature darkly comic, otherworldly landscape.
From the initial scaremongering that women are subjected to by the media, to the actual process (you have to inject yourself with hormones three times a day for up to two weeks), to the crushing disappointment when, as happens to more than 50% of cases, it doesn't lead to a child, Juno brings it all to life in "A Girl's Guide To Egg Freezing".
You might recognise Juno's fictional character Joyce, a woman disenchanted by the “laboured construct of femininity”, who was the star of her much-acclaimed "The Honeymoon" series.
When discussing "The Honeymoon" with Refinery29, Juno told us: "All of my work essentially boils down to two things: desire and disappointment. And I like to find humour in the path from one to the other. There’s a certain level of irony in all of my images. An important lesson I’ve learnt along the way is that humour is a powerful tool for women."
Click through to see how Juno has maintained that sentiment throughout these arresting series of photographs.

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