Your Horoscope This Week

Illustrated by Alia Penner. Photographed by Jason Rodgers.
Feeling a little...ungrounded? With last week's crazy-making Aquarius lunar eclipse, we wouldn't be surprised. Bottled up thoughts surfaced that launched us out of our bodies and into the abyss of feels. Whether it was a ripple of WTF, a serious ugly-cry, or a full-on wave of anxiety, raise your hand if you're ready for some balance. Good news: This Monday, the quarter moon in earthy, rooted Taurus helps us get our Toms back on solid ground. Step one: Slowwwww it way down. Rome wasn't renovated in a day, so stop trying to achieve those Pinterest goals and find something to be grateful for now. Process-driven Taurus energy reminds us to enjoy the journey instead of rushing towards the destination.
Creative solutions flow in on Thursday, but we may have to work with limited resources. Decadent Venus clashes with "bigger, stronger, faster" Jupiter warning against excess. Curb the retail therapy urges and see if you could source your materials from the "free pile" or barter services instead of paying cold, hard cash. Warning: This cosmic coupling can drop a rose-coloured filter over life. Romanticising is fun, but make sure you're also grounded in facts and figures.

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