Kendall & Kylie Jenner Have A Look-A-Like Cousin Who’s Also A Model

Photo: Kurt Krieger/Corbis/Getty Images.
If you thought there would be no more new Jenner/Kardashian women left to invade the media world (well, until Penelope and North grow up at least) then we've got some news for you! It turns out, Kendall Jenner isn’t the only model in Kris Jenner’s family. Meet Natalie Zettel, the 18-year old daughter of Kris' sister Karen Houghton, who bears more than a passing resemblance to her cousins Kendall and Kylie.
Of her relationship with her famous cousins, Zettel told Star back in 2013, “They’re my blood. They’re always going to be there—I’m stuck with them—but I love my family. I’ve known them since I was a little toddler. I’m closest with Kendall and Kylie because we’re close in age.” In fact, their relationship is so normal that Nettles said the majority of their time together was spent texting and “talking about girl things… like boys.”
She appears to have more than boys in common with her cousins, especially Kendall, given that Zettel’s Instagram acts as a modelling portfolio of sorts. Click ahead to see her in action and decide for yourself if you can see the resemblance.

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