All The Book To Film Adaptations We Can't Wait To See In 2018

Typically, though not always, good books make for good films. In 2017, that certainly proved to be the case. Some of the best films of the year, including Wonder, The Lost City of Z, and Mudbound, were based on books. Those of us who read Call Me By Your Name before seeing the film couldn't help but compare every beautiful, minute detail between the works.
Based on this roundup, 2018 will prove no exception to the rule. Some of the most highly anticipated film projects of 2018 are based on previously written books, and we are officially amped. This year, we'll travel through tesseracts with the help of Mrs. Whosit, Mrs. Whatsit, and Mrs. Which. We'll cut through the ever-growing, sentient landscape of Area X. We'll meet the super-rich of Singapore. And it's all thanks to books.
The best part? If you're aching to know the films' stories in advance, you can just read the books first. You won't be spoiling the film by reading the book – you'll be enhancing it. Our "To Read" list has never been so lengthy.
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