Your Dad's Star Sign, Explained

Illustration by Louisa Cannell
Of all people, your dad is probably the last person you need to astro-stalk. But that doesn't mean reading up on his star sign won't prove enlightening.
Whether your pops reads his horoscope every morning or scoffs at the very idea of astrology, he probably expresses certain aspects of his sign. Maybe he's a warm and fuzzy Pisces. Or maybe he was the classic Aries dad who argued with the ref during your peewee soccer games. Viewing your dad's parenting style through an astrological lens might help you see him in a new light — or understand him better.
In honour of Father's Day this Sunday, we're taking a closer look at the signs of the star in dad form. Read on to get the cosmic low-down on your dad — then, if you want, give him a call.

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