The Drag Queen's Guide To Not Sweating Off All Your Makeup

Photo: Courtesy of Miss Toto.
Drag queens know a lot about sweat and makeup. Between the bright lights and the high-energy performances that could range from passionately lip syncing Britney Spears to hyping up a game of bingo in a venue with a single air conditioning unit, queens across the country take not completely sweating off all their makeup seriously.
"I'm in Florida, and you walk outside and it's just wet," Miss Toto, who's based in Miami, says. "And I mean wet. So you have to prepare. If you're out for more than four hours, you have to do your makeup a really certain way so it all doesn't come sliding off."
Given that it's August, we thought drag queens could teach us a thing or two about how to apply our makeup so that it doesn't melt off our face as we 1) wait for the subway on a crowded platform 2) accidentally stumble into a bar with no A/C (which should be banned, btw) or 3) just continue to live our lives in areas where summers can be genuinely hellish.
Read all their tips on how to make sure your foundation, eyebrows, and more don't come dripping down your chin this summer, ahead.

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