Your Horoscope This Week

Illustrated by Abbie Winters.
Say goodbye to Mars retrograde, stargazers! The war planet goes direct on Monday, allowing us to (finally) move forward on those projects we’ve been itching to start since June. But, beware: This change isn’t instantaneous. We need to be patient with the red planet as it gradually corrects course. And, though it may be direct, Mars is still out of bounds, offering us ideas that we wouldn’t generally come to by ourselves (let the unconventional brainstorms begin).
In other celestial news, the week starts off with a full moon in Pisces on Sunday morning. As the moon wanes this week, you'll have ample opportunity to finish up projects. Take note of what has helped you succeed thus far so that you can keep those habits up. Doing so will put you on a path of productivity and positivity. Although Mercury’s retrograde is long behind us, quite a few other planets are still retrograde (I'm looking at you, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto). You might be feeling a little off or even catch a dreaded end-of-summer cold this week. Do what you can to protect your energy.
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