Your September Horoscope, Revealed

Illustrated by Abbie Winters.
As summer wraps up, Virgo season inspires us to pay closer attention to the delicate details. We're feeling more confident as we learn from the major retrogrades and eclipses from earlier in the season, but something could still feel off, as Mars remains out of bounds until 24th September. Until the red planet returns, we must exit our comfort zones in order to move forward. It's kind of like getting off a merry-go-round: It'll feel dizzying at first, but that sensation will only be temporary.
This month won't be a fantastic time to make big decisions without taking time to adjust to the changes they incur. Make sure that you take all necessary steps to prepare. Over 8th and 9th September, Venus squares Mars. This aspect may ignite drama and tension that's been ready to be released for a long time. Whether you’re single or attached, you may feel some fierce emotions. You'll have a chance to bring your life back into balance on 23rd September when we enter Libra season. Read on how to make the most out of this month!
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