Illustrated by Abbie Winters.
Get ready for some major lunar feels this week. We kick things off with the new moon in Virgo this Sunday. This lunar phase will allow you to organise your goals in great detail. Make yourself a list of everything that must get started this week and follow through as the moon waxes.
The moon will quickly move on from Virgo and into Libra on Monday morning, firing everyone up for collaboration and cooperation. Although it’s a "school night," this will be great day to meet and reconnect with friends. Then, on Wednesday afternoon, the moon enters Scorpio. We may find ourselves more inclined to let our inner femme fatales out to play.
On Friday night, the moon enters fiery, fun-loving Sagittarius — just in time for the weekend. Take any opportunity you can get to blow off steam with your best mates. The vibe will be light and easy, and we'll all be in the mood to show off our best sides. On a less warm and fuzzy note, we’re still exploring unknown territory this week while Mars is out of bounds. Continue to go with the flow of this energy (and try not to panic as you delve into the unknown). You never know where you might end up.
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