12 Non-Scary Films For Halloween Lovers Who Hate Horror

Photo: SNAP/REX/Shutterstock.
My mantra when it comes to Halloween movies? The scarier the better. We're talking movies that make me throw out my old VCR just in case the girl from The Ring decides to imprint onto my copy of The Little Mermaid. Go ahead — frighten me into sleeping with the lights on. Convince me there's a monster in my closet. It's all part of the holiday fun!
Of course, not everyone operates that way. For some, the best part of Halloween is the free Reese's Peanut Butter Pumpkins (which, umm, is my second favourite part of the holiday) and the worst is the obsession with the spooky.
While horror does reign supreme over October, you don't have to chase fear in order to enjoy a good Halloween movie. There are oodles of choices that will get you into the holiday spirit, without leaving you sobbing and white-knuckled on the couch. What movies are here to provide some good, clean, non-scary Halloween fun? Click through to find out!

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