The 2019 Money Moves To Make For Your Zodiac Sign

The new year is here, and many of us are probably starting to think about the money moves we want to make in 2019.
The financial forecast for 2019 may bring us some surprising twists and turns as Uranus (the planet of radical change) moves back into financially savvy Taurus on March 7, where it will stay until April 26, 2026. With Taurus being a sign that loves stability (and money), having a planet like Uranus in it for the next seven years will push us to think very differently in terms of how we earn and manage our cash. For some of us, this may mean earning our money by non-traditional means or placing less of a value on certain forms of material wealth, like flashy, expensive things.
However, with Jupiter, the planet of abundance and good fortune, at home in Sagittarius until December 2, 2019; many of us should not only find more opportunities to make money but opportunities to see that money increase.
Of course, responsible Saturn in Capricorn (along with a few game-changing eclipses on the Cancer-Capricorn axis) will be on hand to make sure that we’re focused on our financial security and saving for a rainy day.
Take a look at your financial horoscope for 2019 to find out what your sign can expect.