So You Want To Travel More In 2019. Now What?

Photographed by Erin Yamagata.
So you've decided your resolution for 2019 isn't to eat cleaner or exercise more or put a percentage of every paycheque into savings, but rather to travel. Lucky you! Not only does that sound like a hell of a lot more fun than those first three things, but it's the kind of resolution that, if accomplished, is likely to leave you feeling fulfilled and inspired, rather than exhausted and burnt out.
But it's also one of those overwhelming, slightly nebulous ambitions that's easier said than done. After all, actually achieving it means you'll probably also need to get better at a lot of other things that could be resolutions in their own right, like going with the flow, planning ahead, and managing both time and money.
Thankfully, there are plenty of people out there who literally do this stuff for a living, and we asked them for their tips on how to follow through with this common — but still not exactly straightforward — New Year's resolution. Follow their advice, and you'll be globetrotting in no time.

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