Your Horoscope This Week

The week starts on a bright note as the sun trines a retrograde Jupiter on Sunday. Be open to blessings as this movement passes over. The weekend ends on a high note when the moon waxes in Leo until 9.38pm on Sunday evening. We’re ready for a break when the moon goes void-of-course until the next day at 6.13am in practical Virgo. Our words gain confidence on Tuesday when communicative Mercury moves into bold Aries. The moon leaves Virgo on Wednesday at 12.29am, entering a second well-timed void-of-course period ending at 7.22am in Libra. We approach our full moon on Friday at 7.12am, encouraging us to connect, share, and enjoy each other’s company. If you made a goal during the new moon of the 5th, reflect on how you grew your idea and gave it life. The moon wanes in strategic Scorpio at 8.40am, helping us to plan out our next steps. Sweet Venus joins Mercury in Aries on Saturday, giving us an edge in our approach to love and aesthetics. Use this newfound confidence to try out a new trend, and put yourself out there. The sun enters Taurus on Saturday, changing our focus from creating new beginnings to living in the here and now.
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