Your Horoscope This Week

Sunday is truly a day of rest as the moon goes void-of-course from 11.10am until 11.39pm. But slow down as you set the rules that Saturn retrograde requires from you. When the ringed planet backspins, he offers us the opportunity to take responsibility for our actions. Messenger Mercury leaves fire sign Aries on Monday and enters the steady earth sign Taurus. So we’ll need to be a little more careful in our speech as Mercury spends his time in this conscientious sign.
Discuss any new guidelines you’re setting for yourself on Monday when the moon waxes in Gemini from late Sunday evening until 7.49pm. As you set boundaries for yourself, try to bend rather than allow yourself to break on Tuesday when Venus squares a retrograde Saturn. This positioning can create tension in relationships regarding responsibility. But speak honestly and solutions will be found. Luckily, the moon waxes in deep-feeling Cancer, helping us to process our emotions with more clarity. Enjoy expressing your creative energies on Wednesday as the sun sextiles dreamy Neptune. It’s an excellent time to draw inspiration from within. Connect with friends on the same day when Mercury conjuncts innovative Uranus. It’s a rare opportunity to bring your vision to life. Venus squares a retrograde Pluto on Thursday, inciting a desire to unravel an enigma. Don’t jump to conclusions — a little mystery is healthy. Sweet Venus keeps the peace as she trines a retrograde Jupiter, offering a sense of empathy on the same day. The moon leaves Cancer at 10.05pm, going void-of-course until 9.13am the next day. After processing these complicated energies, we’re fired up by a waxing moon in Leo, just in time for the weekend to begin.
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