Your June Horoscope, Revealed

We’re ready to work towards a new beginning at the start of the month with a fresh Moon in Gemini on June 3rd. Take time to yourself to meditate on short-term goals that you’d like to accomplish when the Moon waxes full. Mercury, our communication planet, enters sensitive Cancer on June 4th. Our information needs become more focused and small scale — it’s incredibly easy to take everything very personally. Love and money ruler Venus enters quirky Gemini on June 8th. This transit inspires us to see everything and be everywhere. Be careful not to spread yourself too thin when accepting invitations, and enjoy every moment. The Sun opposes a retrograde Jupiter on June 10th, offering an opportunity to strike while the iron is hot. The luck on this day is a bit like flipping a coin and getting your desired outcome. Enjoy the moment but don’t brag about your win to everyone you meet. Express your creative side on June 14th when fiery Mars trines dreamy Neptune. The action planet will help you to bring your inspirations into the physical world through art or dance. Give your creative muscles a little flex and see what happens. Things may not be as they appear on June 16th when Jupiter squares Neptune. Be wary of big promises — don’t make them or believe in them while the planet of luck (Jupiter) tangos with the planet of dreams (Neptune). People may try to make big promises that sound enticing while Mercury trines Neptune on the 16th. The Moon waxes full in Sagittarius on June 17th, bringing our collective attention towards our shared goals and thoughts. We’re encouraged to look at our self-imposed structures in new ways on June 18th when Saturn in retrograde sextiles imaginative Neptune. Experiment with your routine during this transit. Summer solstice arrives on June 21st, heralding the first day of Cancer season. Carve out time in solitude and nature as the Sun lights up the emotional sign of the Crab. Connect with your family and enjoy experimenting with your imagination. Neptune, the planet of dreams and inspiration, goes retrograde on the 21st, encouraging us to separate our fantasies from reality. You may want to experiment with giving up one of your vices while the blue planet moves in reverse so that you can better connect with your inner self. Pay attention to how you absorb influences from the world around you, and follow your stream of consciousness with intention. Neptune goes direct on November 27th. Charming Venus opposes lucky Jupiter on June 23rd, giving us a tendency to over-indulge. Be aware of your shopping habits before whipping out your cash. Communicative Mercury enters showy Leo on June 26th, adding dramatic flair to our words, and a need to perform. We’ll have charisma for days, just make sure not to take yourself too seriously while the messenger planet moves through this sign.
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