Your Horoscope This Week

There’s no better time for disconnecting from the world than on Sunday as the moon wanes in Gemini. Take stock of how you’d like to fill up your spiritual tank. Possibilities are endless as our shiny new moon in Gemini arrives at 6.01am on Monday morning. Pick up a tarot deck and listen to your intuition if you’ve been up against an obstacle — the answers are within you.
Chatty Mercury makes his way into watery Cancer on Tuesday, turning our conversations and thoughts toward creating stability at home and with our families. You may notice yourself feeling a little more sensitive as our communication planet passes through this domestic sign. Let yourself feel what you need to feel, and express honesty with a gentle spirit. The moon waxes in Cancer at 12.16pm on Tuesday, intensifying our inner thoughts and sense of vulnerability. If you’re seeking solitude, retreat to your safe space to process your emotions.
We’ll be ready to shake off our insecurities on Thursday when the moon waxes in bold Leo at 3.15pm. When the moon is in this sign, she helps to strengthen our voices and see the silver lining in every situation. Prepare for a weekend of excitement and entertainment. We’ll share a need for acknowledgment — with this in mind, give your friends and family a little ego boost wherever you can. Charming Venus leaves the sensual sign of Taurus and enters spirited Gemini on Saturday. Our lust for material comforts will fade in favour of mind-expanding opportunities. If you’re single, you’ll only have eyes for people who can hold a thoughtful conversation. Brush up on your icebreakers, delve into subjects you love and finish books that you’ve started. If you’ve got a lot going on this month, make sure to write your dates down in your calendar — we tend to be a bit flakier when Venus is in Gemini. Everything sparkles and it’s easy to get distracted. The moon enters organised Virgo on Saturday afternoon at 5.44pm, inspiring us to get prepared for the week ahead.
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