Your Horoscope This Week

Information flows quickly this week, as the Sun continues to light up communicative Gemini. Allow yourself to absorb positive vibes by taking time to disconnect. The Sun squares Neptune in retrograde on Sunday, taking the term “lazy Sunday” to a whole new level. Relax and recharge – when you get a little burst of energy, and channel it towards getting ready for the week ahead. Get organised at home as the Moon waxes in Virgo all day Sunday, preparing you for a productive week. Spend your Monday banging out administrative tasks, as the Moon goes void-of-course from Monday morning at 8:01 a.m. until 8:28 p.m. Monday isn’t a complete snooze-fest, thanks to the Sun’s opposition of a retrograde Jupiter. Play your cards right, and you could come into a bit of luck, granted that you stay humble and keep a cool head. Oppositions have challenging energy, but when Jupiter is involved, he brings small blessings. Exercise an attitude of gratitude — pass on a little joy to someone who needs it. The Moon waxes into social Libra at 8:28 p.m on Monday night, bringing us out of our shells and into the world. The Moon stays in this airy sign until Wednesday morning at 11:15 a.m. Catch up with friends who are from outside of your postcode. The Moon goes void-of-course until 12:02 a.m. on Thursday morning, electrifying new plans. Pay attention to the stories in your dreams, as they could help inspire some exciting moves. Take on Thursday and Friday with intensity, as the Scorpio Moon lends you the bravery to take on any challenge. Looking for a little inspiration? You could have a creative revelation on Friday when action planet Mars trines with imaginative Neptune. Put pen to paper, call up your friends, and get your hands dirty — it’s time to make magic happen. Tap into your vision while these two planets are favourably aligned. Gear down and save your energy on Friday afternoon at 3:45 p.m. when the Moon goes void-of-course for the last time this week. You’ll be back up and running when she enters enthusiastic Sagittarius at 5:02 a.m.
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