Your Horoscope This Week

Start the week slow and steady on Sunday when lucky Jupiter squares against dreamy Neptune. It's easy to get caught up in fantasies while these two planets are at odds with each other. Make sure that you're listening carefully to what others are saying as communicative Mercury trines with Neptune on Sunday as well, as people will be focused on expressing their imagination. Our enthusiasm bubbles up when the moon waxes full in Sagittarius at 4.30am EST on Monday morning. It's a beautiful time to take pride in our accomplishments.
The moon is void-of-course until Monday at 12.13pm, when she enters hardworking Capricorn. Unlike Sunday's air of idealism, we're more interested in getting down to brass tacks. Test your flexibility on Tuesday, when Saturn in retrograde sextiles inventive Neptune. The ringed planet of structure is moving in reverse, letting you set new rules for how you execute your responsibilities. Consider the hard lessons that Saturn's retrograde has already taught you since he began to move backward on 29th April while you make your new playbook. Our mood remains in a professional, less emotional tone until Wednesday morning at 7.18am. Instead of working on new projects, hunker down on maintaining your core tasks while the moon goes void-of-course until 10pm that evening.
Look for inspiration in your dreams and start Thursday on an optimistic note while the moon wanes in Aquarius. It's an excellent day for self-study and exploring your independence. Get out of your usual haunts and seek out inspiration until Friday morning at 10.01am. Friday marks the official start of summer, also coinciding with the arrival of Cancer season. It's a brilliant time to work on your living space, spend time with your loved ones, and express your creativity. Add new plants, host get-togethers and get ready to soak up the season. Intuitive Neptune goes retrograde in his own sign of Pisces on Friday, pulling our thoughts away from distractions. Over the next five months, the blue planet of dreams and illusions will help to reveal changes that you need to apply to your relationships, work and behaviour. Neptune rules the realm of mind-altering substances, so it's a good idea to avoid partying too hard while he moves in reverse. Pay attention to the signs that your intuition brings, and seek enlightenment until 27th November when he moves direct. On Saturday at 10.01am, the moon wanes in sensitive Pisces. Be aware of the waves of emotion that pass through you, and don't be afraid to let yourself express your feelings as they come.
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