Your Horoscope This Week

We’re looking to solve problems this week. Our thoughts quickly search for answers all day Sunday until Monday at 5.48pm, while the moon wanes in witty Gemini. Wilful Mars makes his way into passionate Leo on Monday, infusing a new dignified manner into our actions. Keep your energy high during this transit by putting your best foot forward — remember what you bring to the table, burn off your excess energy safely and plan out foolproof (and sweat-proof) summer outfits. The moon enters Cancer on Monday evening at 9.23pm, helping us to solidify our feelings in anticipation of Tuesday’s new moon and total solar eclipse at 3.16pm. Prepare your intentions leading up to this event on Tuesday to support goals you’d like to achieve in the next six months. Tap into your creative side as this eclipse will sextile change-making Uranus. Seek out creature comforts on Wednesday, when sensual Venus makes her way into the emotional water sign of Cancer. Looking to upgrade your outdoor set-up? Bring beauty into your space with a few patio-inspired upgrades for hosting friends and finding sweet solitude. Take it slow on Wednesday, when the moon goes void-of-course from 10.24am until 11.19pm. The moon’s VOC period is a little like a retrograde for a planet — it’s best used for reflection and rest. Hold off on beginning new projects or burning off a ton of energy that you’d like to see results from. Our energy ramps up on Wednesday night when the moon waxes in Leo from 11.19pm until 2.24am on Friday morning. We’re prepared to step into the spotlight, crack jokes and get creative. It’s also an emotionally vulnerable time when we are ready to ask what we need from others. The week runs a bit like a rollercoaster, as the moon goes void-of-course again all day Friday until 12.25am on Saturday. Trust your timing, and gather your strength for Saturday, when the moon waxes in organised Virgo early on Saturday morning at 12.25am. Spend the day getting prepared as our communication planet, Mercury, goes retrograde early next week.
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