Your Horoscope This Week

Charming Venus entered charismatic Leo last Saturday, bringing us into the week with a brand new attitude. We’re feeling just a little more sparkly than the previous week, so enjoy this new-found sense of charisma. We start Sunday bright-eyed and bushy-tailed as the Moon wanes in witty Gemini until 11:23 a.m. Take it easy for the rest of the day when the Moon goes void-of-course for the rest of the day. VOC Moons are opportune times to go slow and get rested. Watch out for your reactions to cause significant changes on Monday, when the Sun squares unpredictable Uranus. It’s time to work on our flexibility and ability to be humble. Take a moment before you react to others while the Moon wanes in sensitive Cancer at 7:30 a.m. on Monday. The Moon will remain in this intuitive sign until 9:18 a.m. on Wednesday. We’re ready to get back into the swing of things on Wednesday when communication ruler Mercury moves direct. Life runs just a little smoother, as the messenger planet helps us overcome misunderstandings and think on our feet. A New Moon in Leo arrives at 11:11 p.m. on Wednesday evening, bringing along the inspiration to consider leadership roles and encouragement to put ourselves out into the world. The vibe of this New Moon will relate to how you are seen by others. Make sure that you’re making yourself happy first as you create your image. Sparks fly on Friday when sensual Venus squares unpredictable Uranus. If you’re in a relationship, you could clash with your partner — try to keep a cool head during this transit. If you’re single, you could find yourself attracted to people with chaotic energy. Hold on to your receipts if you go shopping, as we are more susceptible to spending money on things that we don’t need this week.
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