Your New Year’s Eve Horoscope Is Here

We’ve made it to the last day of 2019! We’re ready to dazzle at holiday parties with material Venus in forward-thinking Aquarius. Get ready to take some fashion risks and experiment with bold looks during this trendy transit. You’ll be able to have a blast, no matter who you spend it with as charming Venus moves through independent Aquarius. Chatty Mercury also moves through practical Capricorn, who has a secret sense of humour. You’re bound to be in store for some serious laughs today. We’re opening ourselves up to new ideas thanks to quick-witted Mercury’s trine with unpredictable Uranus yesterday. Brush up on your reading and make sure to come to the party with a few jokes up your sleeve to ring in the new year. The Moon waxes in sensitive Pisces, encouraging us to think about how we’d like to create new beginnings for the year, and decade, ahead.
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