We’re getting ready to buckle up for some serious self-reflection in May, as we welcome three major retrogrades to help us evolve from our former selves. The world is becoming a new place, and with it, we are given a chance to change for the better.
We're called to take responsibility for our actions starting 11th May, when taskmaster Saturn begins his retrograde in forward-thinking Aquarius. Take a moment to reflect on your behaviour this year. This transit gives us the opportunity to become more enlightened versions of ourselves. Now is the time to write new rules that will guide us once the planet goes direct again on 29th September. Also on 11th May, speedy Mercury enters chatty Gemini. This encourages us to socialise and connect with others. This energy also helps us to explore new subjects and try out new hobbies. Enjoy exploring different activities, and see what sticks.
On 13th May, ambitious Mars makes his way into sensitive Pisces. The warrior planet's energy rises and falls in this water sign, challenging us to prioritise our mental and spiritual health during this transit. On this day, charming Venus also moves retrograde in thoughtful Gemini. Expressing emotions may become challenging. We’ll require a little more time to understand how we express our romantic feelings. Venus also rules aesthetics and beauty, so hold off on giving yourself a dramatic at-home makeover until she moves direct on 25th June in Gemini.
14th May ushers in a chance to pay attention to our vices, when Jupiter, the planet of abundance, moves retrograde in disciplined Capricorn. It’s an opportunity for us to take a look at how we spend our time and energy, and how these habits may be holding us back. Now is the time to make small changes to increase happiness. The Sun enters quick-thinking Gemini starting 20th May, helping us to get a better grasp of how we need to pivot our lives. The timing is right to seek out the advice of our friends and family, and embrace communities. Thoughtful Mercury enters intuitive Cancer on 28th May, helping us to feel our way through new territory.