Your Horoscope This Week


We’re called to inspire real change in the world on Sunday, upon the arrival of the Solar Eclipse in sensitive Cancer. This powerful new phase allows us to set new goals for ourselves and inspires us to consider the impact of our actions. Our eyes are opened to a new reality beginning on Tuesday, while Neptune, the planet of dreams and illusions, stations retrograde in psychic Pisces. We're being given a chance to acclimatise to our new reality and sit with our emotions. We’ll officially let go of the idea of "the way things used to be,” and we’ll feel as though we’ve tapped into a new well of inner strength, which we can use to support others. Charming Venus stations direct in chatty Gemini on Thursday, making us feel more open to bringing love into our lives, and ready to reintroduce playfulness into our relationships. We’ll take pleasure in spontaneity starting Saturday, when warrior Mars makes his way into his favourite sign of Aries. We're feeling more confident, competitive, and energised — but we may also be tempted to act selfishly, so take time to step outside of your own desires during this transit. 
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