Your Horoscope This Week


It’s essential to take things slow and steady on Monday, when warrior Mars creates a square with taskmaster Saturn. This transit does not favour impulsive or adventurous action, so sticking to what we know — and working alone — will pay off. The energy lightens on Tuesday, when messenger Mercury forms a trine with innovative Uranus in retrograde. We’re excited to discuss our ideas and enjoy a sense of nostalgia during this transit. With hindsight being 2020, it’s easy for us to find solutions to old problems. On Tuesday, the Moon waxes into her first quarter in optimistic Sagittarius. This may create an impatient energy, so we’ll want to avoid biting off more than we can chew. Quarter moons can inspire us to conquer our goals — but it’s important to be realistic. On Tuesday, charming Venus opposes lucky Jupiter in retrograde, encouraging us to let loose even more. We'll need to take care to make sure we’re not avoiding essential responsibilities. On Wednesday, sweet Venus creates a trine with imaginative Neptune. We’re feeling more affectionate and vulnerable, making it a beautiful day to connect with likeminded people and open ourselves up to new relationships and ideas. There’s a spirit of collaboration and support on Thursday, as chatty Mercury forms a trine with bountiful Jupiter in retrograde. It’s a good time to share our big ideas with the world, reaching out to the friends and colleagues who can help us reach our goals.  

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