Every Voice You’ll Hear In Netflix’s Over The Moon

Photo: Courtesy of Netflix.
When you sit down to watch Over the Moon on Netflix, a new animated musical about a young girl who builds a rocket ship in hopes of meeting a legendary lunar princess, don't be surprised if some of the voices sound a little familiar. The all-Asian cast of Over the Moon includes a handful of newcomers, but mostly very famous and recognisable names. All your faves are here for this heartwarming tale.
For Broadway superfans missing out while theatres are still shut down worldwide, this movie is also an unexpected gathering of theatre talent that should definitely give you a show tunes fix this fall. Not only are there multiple stage stars lending their voices to the characters and songs, but one of Over The Moon’s three composers is Helen Park, who co-wrote the music and lyrics for the cult musical KPOP that, fingers crossed, is headed to the Great White Way very very soon. For the more casual Broadway fan, she's definitely one to watch.
From the two younger performers to the old veterans and the singers and comedians in between, here are the members of the Over the Moon cast, who they play, and how you know them.

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