Your March Horoscope Is Here & These Are The Dates Where Everything Might Change

Illustration by Stefhany Lozano
Welcome to March! As we embark in our personal journeys month, it’s important to set new intentions to align with our visions for the season ahead. Mars, the Planet of Action, enters intelligent Gemini on 3rd March, giving power and dominance to words. The new moon in visionary Pisces occurs on 13th March, the same day Mercury leaves its post-retrograde shadow. We’ll be pushed to start new projects and relationships (or hit the reset button on both), after we clear up the past. Mercury enters Pisces on 15th March, which will blend intuition with reason to our communications. The 20th March brings the Spring Equinox and Aries season. It’s time to ignite the spark that will help inspire our dreams. Sensual Venus enters confident Aries on 21st March, adding passion to romance. The highly anticipated Venus Star Point in Aries occurs on 26th March. This is the conjunction between the Sun and Venus that occurs every 10 to 12 months in a different sign; it’s a great time to manifest love and money. March ends with a full moon in Libra on the 28th, which will push us to focus on balancing out our lives and partnerships.  
To get the most accurate picture of your month, read your sun, moon, and rising sign. You can figure out yours by using a free birth chart calculator like this one.

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