9 Women Share Their Best Batch Cocktail Recipes For Drinking In The Park

Photo courtesy of Bre Graham.
It's safe to say that we've all experienced cocktail ordering regret. Asking a bartender for six passionfruit martinis might seem like a good idea in theory, but when it comes to waiting for your drinks, it's another story entirely. Combining precision pouring, a multitude of ingredients and a laborious garnishing process, fancy cocktails take time, which is exactly why mixologists get paid the (relatively) big bucks.
If you've ever tried to replicate happy hour at home, you'll know that this process is even lengthier, with the average joe needing to consult a recipe book, chop fruit on the go and retrieve ice from the back of the freezer for each individual drink. Add in having to remember exactly what each member of your party wanted and at-home cocktail making can be far more stressful than pleasurable.
There's a genius way to avoid this disastrous drinking experience, though: batch made cocktails. We're talking about the kind of drinks that you can ladle into a jug for multiple partygoers to enjoy at once. While your mind might jump straight to a pitcher of half-melted margs, you don't have to stick to the tried and tested classics when it comes to big-batch cocktails. 
Make the most of this opportunity to try something a tad more adventurous, with the help of some of the coolest foodie women on the internet. With an increasingly packed summer calendar ahead of us, R29 has picked the brains of some of Instagram’s most notable taste testers to recommend the best jug drinks for group gatherings.
Whether you're after a pre-made cocktail stash for a birthday party in the park or want to keep your kitchen time to a minimum while hosting friends at home, we’ve gathered a selection of batch cocktails that require minimal effort while providing maximum flavour.
To discover five batch cocktail recipes to make this summer, click through the slideshow ahead...

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