10 Old School Beauty Products That Have Stood The Test Of Time

Coca Cola, Levi's, a 99 Flake, Breakfast At Tiffany's. Some things just don't age. They are classics for a reason. Yes, you should change your mascara every three months, and, yes, you should outgrow your pubescent beauty habits (toothpaste is not good for your skin) but there are some beauty products that should forever stand proud in your beauty cabinet.
Gwyneth Paltrow famously takes "an Epsom salt bath every night to wind down", Katy Perry has been slathering on Palmer's Coco Butter since high school, and Victoria Beckham has tweeted about her best long-haul flight hack: Johnson's Baby Oil (no, seriously). There are just some things that cannot be bettered by technology or money. Here's what you should be stocking your bathroom cabinet with regardless of age, race, size; these classic pharmacy beauty buys are for everyone.


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