Refinery29’s Best Books For The Beach

Groucho Marx once said this about reading: "I find television very educating. Every time somebody turns on the set, I go into the other room and read a book.” While we're not about to claim to be as erudite, or, frankly, as snobbish as ol' Marx, we do miss reading – an awful lot in fact.
It is so rare to find the chance to sit and read a book. It's something that's so important, and so often falls down the list of our priorities. To give anything an hour of our undivided attention seems nothing short of a luxury. And it's something we can redress on our equally rare holidays.
As we give ourselves time to slow down and unwind, reminding us of the joys of a finely crafted book is a pleasure so enjoyable and unique to each reader, that it's hard to explain.

So what do you prefer to indulge in by the pool? Everyone has their own tastes when it comes to holiday reading. Some use it as a chance to brush up on the classics, while others prefer a page-turner. There's hardly a one-size-fits-all approach to the holiday read.
But why would you listen to us? All we can say is between us we've read some utter tripe and we've also read some books that are as dear to us as friends. In short, we've read a fair lot between us, so we've got some nice suggestions for by-the-pool reading if you fancy it.
From true-murder stories to cult titles and deep-dug treasures, here are our beach books hot-list perfect for a hot trip. Happy reading!

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