21 Experience Gifts Your Friends & Family Will Love (All Under £150)

Designed by Natalia Bagniewska
You know the drill. You’re convinced you only opened that first window in your advent calendar yesterday and BAM! It's mid-December and you’re suddenly behind. Time (and money) is running out thanks to all those impromptu midweek drinks because, fuck it, it’s Christmas, and you haven’t given any real thought to what to buy for your friends and family.
It’s annoying because this was the year you said you’d be good. This was the year you were going to find the perfect present for your difficult aunt. Careful consideration was going to help you discover what to buy for your dad who already has everything. It was this year that you’d finally be the one to buy a thoughtful gift for your mum. One that put everyone else’s offerings to shame. One that would make her cry sweet tears of Christmas joy because you really are the perfect daughter.
Well, my undisciplined friends, hope is not lost. The key is the gift of experiences. There are only so many jumpers, candles and pretty toiletry sets that one person can pretend to be excited about – deep down we all want an opportunity to do something that we otherwise wouldn't. So give your loved ones a reason to ignore Netflix for a day or so and buy them one of these IRL experience packages. We promise, there's something for everyone.

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