These Are The Best Lunchboxes To Make You Excited For Leftovers

Meal prepping and bringing in your own lunch seems like a no-brainer – save money, save the planet, pat yourself on the back – but not all lunchboxes are created equal. Lids can be ill-fitting or unable to stop soup leaking all over your bra while you're in a barre class (this is, tragically, a true story); often they take on the colour and even smell of what you carried, meaning your salad somehow tastes like the chana masala you had last week; and often, frankly, they're ugly.
So what's a girl to do? Find a lunchbox that will make you actually excited for leftovers, obviously. Something that is leakproof, hopefully odour-proof, and looks good while doing it. And that's exactly what we did. Ahead are what we think are the best boxes available to make your reheated risotto far more exciting than if it were in an old ice cream tub.

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