6 Fun Non-Alcoholic Drinks For A Night Out – From People Who Don’t Drink

Sober October is upon us once again. Much like Dry January, it's branded as an opportunity for us to take stock of our drinking habits. British drinking culture is pervasive, and for many of us is firmly embedded in our dating, working and socialising lives. So much so, you can easily end up drinking five times a week without even trying. For more and more of us, having a set period of time to take a break from pints is useful.
But if you are doing a sober month for the first time since you could legally drink, asking what you drink instead can leave you drawing a bit of a blank. Non-alcoholic drinks, in comparison to alcoholic ones, are not seen as particularly glamorous or exciting. They can feel childish, with limited variety. While there have been moves to give them a bit more oomph, from your classic Shloer to Seedlip and Beck's Blue, these drinks aren't always readily available. Otherwise you might find yourself limited to countless pints of soda and fresh lime which a) doesn't exactly feel special, and b) because you can down them so fast may lead to you spending half the night fighting a very urgent need to pee.
Luckily, you do not have to live on lime and soda alone (though you are, of course, free to). To get some other options, we spoke to a bunch of people who rarely, if ever, drink and they shared some of their favourites – meaning there's far more options to fill your boots with this October than a plain old pint of water.

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