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How I Switched Up My Skincare Routine When I Turned 30

Back in February, I turned the big 3-0. I’m not one for age stereotypes and most definitely don’t believe that you can only be footloose and fancy-free in your 20s but hitting this new milestone feels different. Truthfully, I was looking forward to joining the 30 club. Yes, I might have to tick a different age box on forms now but as the saying goes, with age comes wisdom, and as I get older, I grow more comfortable and confident in myself.
This is especially noticeable in my attitude to beauty and particularly my skin. Like so many others, during my teenage years I’d layer on the fullest matte coverage foundations to mask every inch but now I love embracing my skin’s true textures. It’s a given that my skin will change but I’m switching up my skincare routine to support it as best I can as I go down the path of life.
Having entered this new age bracket, I’m increasingly conscious of keeping my skin in optimum health by finding brands and products that I trust and being diligent with my skincare. Fine lines and wrinkles will crop up at some point but I don’t dread the idea of ageing. For me, ageing well is all about feeling like my best self and there are a few things I’m doing to keep my skin in tip-top condition.

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