R29 Reads: The Books We’re Picking Up This April

Springtime is all about dusting off the winter cobwebs. If you're blessed with a hayfever-resistant immune system, stepping out into the blossom-scented air is like welcoming an old friend back into your life: at once comfortingly familiar and wonderfully exciting. While the joys of spring often boil down to whether it will be hot enough to have an Easter Sunday barbecue, we like to focus on the endless opportunities in store now that the days are lighter and longer.
Perhaps that extra hour of light is the motivation you need to head out on a run or start the day with some morning yoga. At Refinery29 HQ we’re embracing the chance to sit back and get lost in an engrossing story. Whether it's picking up a book over breakfast or finally becoming the person who reads on their commute, we’re shaking up our routines and getting stuck into some seriously spellbinding reads.
Last month, Team R29 dove into a darkly comedic tale of grief and loss in What a Shame by Abigail Bergstrom and explored a fantastical queer love story in Our Wives Under The Sea by Julia Armfield. This month we're taking on a new set of thought-provoking titles, including a coming-of-age story with a difference and a collection of hot and heavy, erotic short stories.
To take a look at everything we're reading this April, click through the slideshow ahead...
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