What British Women Living In America Think About The Election

It might be taking place over 4000 miles away, but the whole of the UK is gripped by the American presidential election. Of course we are. It's a bona-fide spectacle with potentially horrifying consequences.
And the stakes have never been higher: there are sex scandals, the prospect of the first female president, Donald fucking Trump being the leader of the free world. Our own general elections, by comparison, have all the drama of an episode of Heartbeat.
Now, while November 8th's outcome will have an effect on the entire globe, we in the UK can rest assured knowing we're not about to be ruled over by a racist, misogynistic orange with no discernible foreign policy (Brexit was quite enough for one year, thank you).
But what of the British women currently living in America? Is it frustrating not being able to vote when they have such a vested interest in the outcome? Are they getting involved anyway?
We spoke to five British women living in the States to get their thoughts on Clinton vs Trump.


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