6 Buys Under £50 That’ll Make Your House Share Look Grown-Up

Ah, the joys of the house share. Living with mates has many upsides (impromptu weeknight parties, having people to moan to when you’ve had a shitty day), but a few downsides as well (how ever much you try, that laundry drying rack is never going to be empty for longer than five minutes). The fact that it’s the only affordable way to live in London means that you can expect to live in a house or flat share at some point. But you don’t have to live student halls-style. You’re going to be sharing for a while, so you may as well make it ‘nice’, after all.
It’s the little details that are the telltale signs of a grown-up household. You know, like not having to drink wine from a mug because there are no proper glasses left (that last ‘dinner party’ went a bit off-course). So, invest in a few small changes at home and you’ll feel like you’ve made it into the land of the grown-ups. Your mum would be so proud.


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