What To Really Know Before Buying Your Next Pair Of Jeans

When it comes to your favourite pair of jeans, there’s far more than meets the eye. Sure, you already know your preferred washes and silhouettes, but what you’re probably not aware of are the crazy technicalities that go into manufacturing your trusted denim pants. Well, we’re about to change the way you see your beloved blues.
Get a glimpse into the specialised world of denim-making. From A to Z, read up on the nerdiest technical denim terms you need to know and love: learn about the tiniest details, the masterful craftsmanship of hand sandpapering, the science behind stretch fabric, the intricate ways yarn is spun, and more. And to get you primed on all your future denim-inspecting, we’ve also paired a jean to match each alphabet letter for a complete denim glossary. This is vocabulary you’ll be glad to get schooled on before your next purchase.