8 Silly Things Even The Best Ride-Or-Die Besties Fight About

Photo: CW Network/Everett Collection.
One of the biggest fights I ever had with my best friend was when we were trying to move into an apartment together. She wanted to look off campus; I didn't have time to help with the search. In the end, we both took single rooms in the same dorm building, living separately but remaining great friends.
It was during this time that I learned a major BFF lesson: People need space. When we were living together in a tiny dorm room, my friend was practically like my sister — and having grown up with a sister, I was totally on board. But from my friend's perspective, especially since I was staying with my boyfriend most weekends, it made sense for her to get her own space. I was hurt, but I shouldn't have been.
Ahead, we round up eight silly things even the best of friends fight over. Most of these are meaningless, and many could happen more than once, but in the end, you and your bestie will make it through — as you always do.

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