"No," you tell yourself. "I can't."
Your eyes don't want to open and last night's mascara has congealed into two immovable clumps, which certainly isn't helping the cause. But you don't have a choice, my weak and vulnerable friend, it is time. It's time to wake up and address the throb in your temples and that disconcerting lurch in your stomach. A slow, white wine-induced death is not an option today. The hangover helpline does not yet exist; it's all up to you now, pal.
And so you mentally assess the options before you. Do you a) ignore your body's cry for help and try to sleep it off, b) beg your most empathetic mate to bring supplies to your bedside or c) shower, get dressed, go outside and face the day like a functioning adult person?
Well, you couldn't go back to sleep if you wanted to because hangovers never play a fair game. Your mate is probably in as much of a mess as you are and thus unwilling to help you out, and lol, as if leaving the house is an option.
The furthest one can reasonably go while nursing the nausea, pain and regret of the night before, is putting a film on. You don't want to go pressing play on any old thing, though. Now is not a time for risks. Oh, no. You specifically need the comforting lull of a vaguely familiar movie to ease you back to normality. The next couple of hours of entertainment are a huge investment of your time and we're here to make sure you spend it well.
Team Refinery29 have recommended hangover viewing to share. Ahead you'll find our sincere and well informed recommendations of where to turn in your cinematic time of need, the films we've put on when we've been a little worse for wear. Brave the trip to the kitchen and get that crucial glass of water now. Then, nestle a little further under your duvet, get your Deliveroo order lined up and whack one of these films on. You'll forget last night even happened. Probably...