6 Chefs On The Foods They Secretly Hate Making

Illustrated by Louisa Cannell.
The adage may be "the customer is always right," but there are times chefs would rather just agree to disagree. After all, when you're passionate enough about food to be cooking for a living, that means having plenty of opinions on the right and the wrong way to do things. Of course, when you're dependent on keeping restaurants guests happy, that often also requires keeping your opinions to yourself. That is, until we got chefs to share how they really feel about some of the offerings on their menus.
We asked a a few professional chefs for the dishes they secretly (or not-so-secretly) loathe, and they didn't hold back. From Instagram-worthy desserts to fancy foods that are just a bit too fussy, here are six things they'd rather not have to make as part of their professional careers.

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