5 Sauces That Will Help You Rule The Kitchen

Photo: Courtesy of My Name Is Yeh.
Classic French cooking, as we know it today, started with Marie-Antoined Carême, one of the original celebrity chefs. Way back in the 1800s, he identified the four sauces that were the basis of much of French cooking. A hundred years later, Georges Escoffier came up with the modern list of mother sauces: hollandaise, velouté, béchamel, espagnole, and tomate. From there, you can add a few simple ingredients to make just about every sauce, glaze, and soup in the French alphabet. Those resulting sauces are known as "daughter sauces."
If your'e ready to do your best Julie And Julia, we've rounded up five delicious recipes that will help you buff up on these five classic French sauces. Bon Appétit!


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