Killer Interview Outfits Using What You Already Have

When the New Year came, you decided it was finally time to start looking around. And you've got your sights set higher than a new apartment or a new fling — you're in the market for a new job, and this time, it's going to be one that you really, really love. So you've cleaned up your résumé, polished up on your elevator pitch, and are ready to hit the job-interview playing field. The one thing missing? Your outfit.
Despite how tempting it is to go out and buy a head-to-toe look that you swear will land you the job solely based on how much confident style you're projecting, a fresh start to the year also means a strict start on your new budget. So instead of splurging on new duds, it's time to go through your closet with a critical eye and create that dream interview look using what you already have. (Of course, there's one necessary caveat: If your industry has a dark-skirt-suit-only dress code, feel free to pass this on to your BFF who's interviewing in more casual fields.) Read on to see how to style your existing wardrobe staples to look and feel your best.