You Could Be Saving SO Much Money With This Wedding Trend

Perhaps because Pantone has coined it Colour of the Year, "greenery" is having a major moment in the wedding industry. Instead of blooming bouquets and ornate floral backdrops à la Kimye, more and more couples are opting for verdant assortments of eucalyptus, ferns, and various herbs to decorate their venues. According to a trends report released by Pinterest, the user search volume for "greenery weddings" on the platform has tripled in 2017.
The reasoning for this shift is a pragmatic one. Spending hundreds or even thousands of pounds is quite a sum to spend on something so perishable.
Greenery is a way more inexpensive and durable alternative. The lush and leafy presentation is incredibly photogenic, too — after all, green has long been considered the most relaxing colour for your eyes.
We've pulled together 10 greenery wedding ideas to show you how a touch of nature can factor into different parts of your nuptials. Read on for more inspiring images that will render calla lilies and rose hedges so last year.

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