29 Times Astrology Was Eerily Accurate

Photographed by Rochelle Brock.
Mercury retrogrades throw our logistical lives out of whack and cause massive amounts of chaos. You attract members of a certain sign for a reason. Certain planetary placements warn of misfortune while others foretell of good luck. It's one thing to read these things in our weekly horoscope, but it's a whole other thing to see them come to pass in our everyday lives.
No horoscope is completely accurate 100% of the time, but every once in a while a development in our personal lives will be reflected perfectly in our 'scope, or even in our birth chart. Maybe you've been getting tired of your friend's seeming inability to make a decision, only to discover they have a Libra stellium. Or perhaps your ex has started texting you out of nowhere and a Venus retrograde just happens to be on the horizon.
If you've ever felt like your horoscope was so spot-on that your astrologer was spying on you, you're not alone. Ahead, we've rounded up some of the most surprising tales of accurate astrology from Reddit. Be amazed, then share your own story in the comments.

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