What’s The Weirdest Thing You’ve Masturbated To?

Photographed by Lula Hyers.
One of the oldest truths of the internet is that if you can think of something — a TV show, a book, or even a person — someone has probably masturbated to it. And we're not just talking about porn. Whether it's an especially alluring cartoon character or an inanimate object, sometimes it's the funniest (or most unexpected) things that light people's fires.
Rather than assume everyone's go-to self-love inspiration was Harry Potter erotica (like, er, some of us), we checked with Reddit users and our very own R29 readers to find out what they consider to be the strangest thing they've ever masturbated to. And, as we expected, their answers were very unique.
Ahead, we've rounded up 10 of the self-proclaimed weirdest things Redditors and our readers have masturbated to. Read on, and depending on your own masturbatory preferences, prepare to be amazed or nod in agreement.

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