How To Bust Cellulite In Your Bathroom

Cellulite or no cellulite, your body is beautiful. Cellulite should never be a reason for not whacking on a pair of trusty short-shorts as and when you please. But if it bothers you, there are a few things you can do at home to reduce it.
Firstly, what is it? Basically, it's fat beneath the skin's surface that can pucker the skin and appear lumpy. If this puckered appearance does bother you, there are steps you can take to decrease cellulite, all from the comfort of your own bathroom. Andrea Pfeffer, founder of Pfeffer Sal, London's cult facial salon that specialises in taking proper TLC of skin spoke to us about how to realistically tackle those areas.
"At Pfeffer Sal we focus on skin health inside and out and although we focus on the face, the same rules apply for your toosh!" Andrea is a firm believer in non-invasive treatments that slowly and steadily win the race. "I know it can be tempting to just embark on invasive body treatments but I really believe you can fix most of your skin concerns with adjustments to your daily routine," she added. "In the case of cellulite in particular, I recommend building muscle and increasing the right nutrients to combat it."
Here's Andrea's guide to reducing the appearance of cellulite...

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