15 Sexy Things To Do That Don't Involve Penetration

Photographed by Lula Hyers.
If you're someone who has a vagina and a clitoris, in theory it seems like the more stimulation and penetration you have, the better. But that's not necessarily how it works — plenty of people actually only enjoy clitoral stimulation without penetration.
"There's a big group of people with clitorises who need straight clitoral stimulation and want nothing else," explains Laurie Mintz, PhD, a professor who teaches the psychology of human sexuality, and author of Becoming Cliterate: Why Orgasm Equality Matters — And How To Get It. For these people, having an object penetrate them is often too distracting during sex, so they're not able to achieve orgasm, she says. If this sounds like you, it's completely normal, and it doesn't mean that there's anything wrong with your body. But you might have to be a little more creative during sex (especially if your partner has a penis).
Given that, here are some sexy ideas that don't require penetration. And you don't even need a clitoris for some of these tips, because there are definitely activities ahead that would work for all bodies, regardless of genitalia.

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